Cathode Sheath Thickness of a Microhollow Cathode Discharge Plasma In Argon High Gas Pressures
microplasma, electric discharge, sheath, plasma spectroscopy, radical sourceAbstract
In a glow discharge, the sheath region that is formed around the cathode surface has a decisive effect on the generation of plasmas. In order to investigate the sheath structure in an atmospheric pressure plasma, we developed a microhollow cathode discharge (MHCD) device. The MHCD device had a cathode diameter of 0.5 mm and its length of 2.0 mm. The discharge was operated at a discharge voltage and current of -220 V and 15 mA, respectively, up to 20 kPa of He-Ar mixtures. We carried out the visible/UV emission spectroscopy, which enabled us to understand the characteristics in the cathode sheath. It was found that two dimensional emission images attributed to Ar+ ion and neutral atom showed significantly different behavior with increasing gas pressure. By comparing the results obtained by an ionizing sheath theory with experimental ones, the detail of the sheath structure is clarified.

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