Simulation of Process Structure and Operating Parameters on the Efficiency of the Chemical Looping Combustion Combined with Humid Air Turbine Cycle Using Statistical Experimental Design
chemical looping combustion, power generation, optimize LHV efficiency, multistage compressor operation, Ni oxygen carrier, HAT cycleAbstract
This study’s objective is to investigate the process structure and operating variables that affect the efficiency of the CLC combined with humid air turbine (HAT) unit to produce electricity. The investigation was carried out by using the Aspen Plus program with Peng-Robinson-Boston-Mathias (PR-BM) thermodynamics properties. In this study, the process structure and operating parameters were investigated. The process structure was related to process configuration, which reflected the number of compressor stages. The operating parameters were pressure, airflow rate, and compression methods. The four investigated responses consist of LHV efficiency, power production from the air reactor, work of air compressors, and air compressor discharge temperature. The 3k factorial experimental design was employed. After that, the result was analyzed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result showed that the highest LHV efficiency was at 55.87 % when seven stages of compressors were used and the operating condition was at 15 atm of pressure in the air reactor, air compression using method 3, and 61,000 kmol/hr of airflow rate. The pressure and the method of compression highly affected LHV efficiency, as shown by their p-values. The pressure had the highest effect on LHV efficiency. The high pressure provided high power production. Method 3 provided the highest discharged temperature from the air compressor, which was the reason for the high power production in the air reactor. The compression ratio of the last compressor would be 65% of the pressure in the air reactor. Moreover, the efficiency could be improved to 57.67% by increasing the loading of Ni on the oxygen carrier from 25% to 40%. The benefit of the paper will be preliminary data for operation and investment decisions on a CLC power production because this result has not yet been demonstrated.

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