Study of Flow Pattern in Jet Clarifier for Removal of Turbidity by Residence Time Distribution Approach
Jet clarifier, turbidity removal, residence time distribution (RTD).Abstract
This study aims to determine the performance of the jet clarifier for turbidity removal and its mechanisms for proposing the optimal operating conditions and design criteria. The experiment were performed continuously using a pilot scale jet clarifier with the volume of 243 L. Effects of liquid flow rates, types of liquid phase, and sludge blanket heights on turbidity removal efficiency were investigated. Moreover, the residence time distribution (RTD) study was carried out to investigate the flow pattern. The results indicated that the jet clarifier can effectively reduce the water with the efficiency of 80% under the optimal condition. The RTD results suggested that the flow pattern in the jet clarifier corresponded to the design as the plug flow and mixed flow conditions were found in the coagulation and the flocculation/sedimentation zones, respectively. The presence of the sludge blanket can reduce the bypass and recirculated flows. Besides, the increase of flow rate resulted in the increase recirculation in the tank. It can be suggested that the jet clarifier can be used for removing turbidity in the water treatment. The hydrodynamic in the reactor, which relates to flow pattern in the reactor, is one among the important factors in a jet clarifier.

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