Finite Element Analysis on Reinforced Concrete Columns Strengthened by ECC Jacketing under Eccentric Compressive Load
strengthened column, ECC jacketing, eccentric load, P-M interaction curves, finite elementAbstract
Engineered cementitious composite (ECC) can be used for strengthening of concrete columns due to its similar structure and suitable connection to normal concrete and its special tension behavior. In this study, to analyse the columns, finite element (FE) method was used after verification by experimental results. Reference column was strengthened by normal concrete and ECC jacketing. The effects of type of jacket material, longitudinal reinforcement, compressive stress and ultimate tensile strain of ECC on variations of eccentric load-bending moment (P-M) interaction curves were investigated. Results showed that the use of ECC instead of normal concrete can increase load carrying capacity of strengthened column, due to tensile strain hardening behavior of this material. It was found that, amount of this increase depends on eccentricity of eccentric load and varying from 0.4-23%. In ECC jacketing, tensile cracks are continuous, but in concrete jacketing, there were discrete cracks and more quantity of damages. Due to higher load carrying capacity and better distribution of tensile cracks in ECC jacketing than normal concrete jacketing, the use of ECC is suitable for strengthening of reinforced concrete columns. Load carrying capacity of columns under concentric load and pure bending moment were calculated by theoretical method and the results were compared with FE.

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