Approach to Identifying Black Spots Based on Potential Saving in Accident Costs
SAPO, safety potential, hot spots, black spots, hazardous locations.Abstract
In improving road safety, the identification of black spots based on potential saving in accident costs is an attempt to make the selection of black spots to treat out of the identified ones. This selection is based on a new approach in which safety potential is employed as a key parameter which has a dual function of identification and prioritization. With this approach, it is possible to find black spots where safety improvement measures are expected to have the greatest economical effectiveness. Therefore, the approach may be a practically suitable tool for developing countries in road traffic accident reduction effort. This paper intends to introduce the new approach to identify road accident black spots in detail. First, the evolution of criteria for black spot identification is reviewed. What follows is an analytical framework for identifying black spots based on potential saving in accident costs. Finally, a particular case of practical implementation is enclosed in order to illustrate the approach.

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