Hydrogen Production From Palmitic Acid Through Autothermal Reforming: Thermodynamic Analysis
Autothermal reforming, Palmitic acid, Hydrogen productionAbstract
This work studies thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production via autothermal reforming of palmitic acid. A Gibbs free energy minimization method was applied to analyze thermodynamic of syngas production via oxidative reforming of palmitic acid. Equilibrium compositions were estimated at temperature of 800°C, 900°C and 1000°C under atmospheric pressure. Optimal operating temperature and molar feed ratios of; steam to palmitic acid (S/C) and oxygen to palmitic acid (O/C) ranging from 0.5 to 4; were determined. The PTC Mathcad Prime 2.0 is used to calculate enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy. Aspen Plus program was applied for calculation of product yields and heat duty. Maximum yield of 17.88 mole/molePalmitic with S/C of 4 and O/C of 0.5 can be achieved at 1000°C and yield were 7.75 mole/molePalmitic with S/C of 4 and O/C of 4. Production of hydrogen and carbon monoxide increased with increasing temperatures.

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