Performance Assessment of SOFC Systems Integrated with Bio-Ethanol Production and Purification Processes
Solid oxide fuel cell, bio-ethanol production.Abstract
The overall electrical efficiencies of the integrated systems of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and bio-ethanol production with purification processes at different heat integration levels were investigated. The simulation studies were based on the condition with zero net energy. It was found that the most suitable operating voltage is between 0.7 and 0.85 V and the operating temperature is in the range from 973 to 1173 K. For the effect of percent ethanol recovery, the optimum percent ethanol recovery is at 95%. The most efficient case is the system with full heat integration between SOFC and bio-ethanol production and purification processes with biogas reformed for producing extra hydrogen feed for SOFC which has the overall electrical efficiency of 36.17%. However more equipment such as reformer and heat exchangers are required and this leads to increased investment cost.
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