Human Motion Recognition Using Temporal Foot-Lift Features Extracted from a Small Number of Skeleton Data Frames and Multi Classifiers


  • Khin Cho Tun Yangon Technological University
  • Hla Myo Tun Yangon Technological University
  • Khin Kyu Kyu Win Yangon Technological University



human-robot interaction, human motion recognition, skeleton joint data, foot-lift feature, smart surveillance system, KNN classification


Human motion recognition becomes an essential part of human–robot collaboration in many different applications such as robot-assisted smart factories, smart warehouse and smart transportation. However, there are still challenges in terms of spatial information and temporal information requirements. Aiming at reducing the number of frames and joint information required, temporal foot-lift features were introduced in this study. The temporal foot-lift features and five different classifiers were applied to recognize “Walking” and “Running” actions from four different human action datasets. Half of the data were trained and the rest were experimentally tested for performance evaluation. The results revealed that the proposed method can give up to 100% accuracy even using a small number of frames. Using KNN classifier and temporal foot-lift features can give the highest performance in recognition. The performance of proposed method was compared with existing methods’ performance. The skeleton joint information and temporal foot-lift features are promising features for real-time human motion action recognition.


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Author Biographies

Khin Cho Tun

Department of Electronic Engineering, Yangon Technological University, Myanmar

Hla Myo Tun

Department of Electronic Engineering, Yangon Technological University, Myanmar

Khin Kyu Kyu Win

Department of Electronic Engineering, Yangon Technological University, Myanmar


Published In
Vol 28 No 7, Jul 31, 2024
How to Cite
K. C. Tun, H. M. Tun, and K. K. K. Win, “Human Motion Recognition Using Temporal Foot-Lift Features Extracted from a Small Number of Skeleton Data Frames and Multi Classifiers”, Eng. J., vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 41-51, Jul. 2024.