The Potential of Polyacrylamide Polymer to Reduce Cracking During Wetting-Drying Cycles
cracks, thermal imaging technique, silt soils, polyacrylamideAbstract
This paper presents the potential of polyacrylamide (PAM) polymer to reduce cracking during wetting-drying cycles. Several experiments have been conducted to investigate PAM polymer in high plasticity silt soils to reduce soil cracks and increase soil strength properties. In this study, Polymer was mixed in soil with different PAM variations (0.2%; 0.4%; 0.6%, 0,8% and 1% by weight). The behaviour of each soil sample was measured by a thermal imaging technique and confirmed by microstructural analysis. The patterns of the soils captured by the camera were quantified using image processing. The experimental results show more cracks in the initial soils than in treated soils. This was confirmed by the SEM test, which showed pores of soil particles. The results also show the role of PMA in reducing the initial void ratio could lead to an increase in bearing capacity. The interaction between PAM and soil particles could also reduce the crack potential. This is because there is solid bonding within soil mass after PAM treatment. In general, this study demonstrates the potential of PAM to reduce cracking and increase soil strength, as well as bring new insights into the design and assessment of sustainable infrastructure under climate change.

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