Non-linear Site Response Analysis of Soil Sites in Northern Thailand during the M<sub>w</sub> 6.8 Tarlay Earthquake
On 24 March 2011, the 6.8 Mw Tarlay Earthquake occurred at the border of Thailand and Myanmar. The earthquake not only resulted in structural building damage but also triggered liquefactions on sandy soils in Northern Thailand. Several site investigations including SPT and shear wave velocity measurements are conducted to study subsoils condition in this area. Ground motions at several seismic stations were recorded during the earthquake. In this study, four soil sites in Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai are selected, including a site at the border of Thailand and Myanmar. Next generation attenuation models are employed to generate the input ground motions for each site. Non-linear finite element analysis is employed to observe soil behaviour under the earthquake. The results showed that liquefaction could happen in the investigated area during an earthquake. The result is confirmed by the liquefaction evidence found in Chiang Rai during the 6.8 Mw Tarlay Earthquake. This research can help raise awareness of the impacts of earthquakes to this region.

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