A Case Study of the Notion and Model of Micro Hydro Power Plant Using the Kinetic Energy of Flowing Water of Burinadi and Meghna River of Bangladesh
Hydro, electricity, renewable energy, gas, Burinadi, Meghna, river.Abstract
Bangladesh is progressing through a stage of development where automation is the solution to its economy. At this stage for the progression of this country electricity is very vital to sustain the economic growth. These days it becomes extremely challenging to cope up with the required energy demand of the country. Continuous increase in price of fuel in the world market and also the unavailability of fuel are the reasons behind this. On the other hand fuel burning in energy generation is responsible for global climate change and Bangladesh residing in high risk of this. Renewable energy can be an immense hope under this circumstance. The country is blessed with a good number of rivers consisting adequate flow of water throughout the year. Harnessing this driving water of rivers can be a great source of kinetic energy and utilizing this kinetic energy of driving water Hydro Electricity can be produced. In this paper the real life practical data of Burinadi and Meghna rivers were considered. A system is introduced that does not need the Dam or Reservoir to produce Electrical Power and is observed that 21.1 MW-hr and 12.48 MW-hr worth of energy can be produced annually from Burinadi & Meghna rivers respectively. This extent of power can be very useful for these rivers nearby inhabitants in remote areas as they are still out of national grid range.

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