An Effective and Way Forward Approach for Road Safety Acquisition of Knowledge - Correlative Study for Pakistan
Safety, enforcement, road user, Pakistan.Abstract
It is an unfortunate fact that two major issues including health and safety are not given as much importance as the issue persists. In this context road safety is also another important agenda for the developing countries and the situation has become worsened particularly in Pakistan. Under the umbrella of Pakistan, various metropolitan cities are lying that are facing the common problems of road safety. All modes of transportation and eventually all users including rider, pillion rider, drivers, passengers and pedestrians are the common players of road environment in Karachi City (a metropolitan city of Pakistan). Apart from that the majority of the population travels in public transport. As per the statistics, approximately 30% to 45% people are associated with the existing public transport network and in the same way the list of problems grasping traffic crashes is concerned with this network as well. According to a study, three E's of transportation including Education, Engineering and Enforcement should be correlated with each other for an effective, efficient and balanced system. The road users are not well aware of the basic, standard and updated road safety knowledge that ultimately brings no prolonging effect on the Engineering and Enforcement subsidiary. The least important parameter should be more enhanced and accomplished which is basically the education of road safety knowledge. The paper reveals the collected information based on the designed questionnaire capturing the features of limited road safety knowledge of drivers and riders in continuation with the traffic crash dependent factors. Based on the analytical facts and figures, the research study focused on major recommendations transferring the acquisition of engineering and enforcement measures with the initiation of fundamental understanding of prevention of crashes. The system should not be designed in a manner that gives the lesson of enforcement only; it needs a balanced approach which is only possible by featuring the existing and available approaches of the city.

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