Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Parameters Affecting Sliding Loss in a Spur Gear Pair
Spur gear, sliding loss, module, pressure angle, gear ratio.Abstract
The effects of gear module, pressure angle and gear ratio on the sliding losses of a spur gear pair have been investigated analytically and experimentally in this paper. The analytical investigations were done by using the gear meshing model proposed in the authors' former work. The various empirical formulas of friction coefficient are used in the calculation process. The estimated results are compared with the experimental results done by using back-to-back gear test rig. The analytical results agree well with the experimental results. The sliding losses of gears having larger module are higher than the gears having smaller module. The larger pressure angle gears have lower sliding losses, and increasing the gear ratio causes the increase in sliding loss. The estimated results calculated by using the friction coefficient formula proposed by ISO TC60 are the most accurate comparing with the experimental results.
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