Spur and Helical Gear Sliding Loss Model with Load Distribution Pattern on Gear Tooth Surface
The model for estimation of spur and helical gear sliding loss with load distribution pattern on gear tooth surface is presented in this paper. The load distribution for the spur gear is considered to distribute uniformly along the line of contact. During double teeth meshing, load sharing ratio between meshing teeth is considered to be 33 : 67 percent or 45 : 55 percent. For the helical gear the load distribution can be calculated by the method proposed by Niemann and Richter. The contour plots of load distribution on gear tooth surface conform to the tooth contact patterns obtained experimentally. The sliding losses estimated from the presented method are compared with the estimations done by the former model and also the experimental results. It is found that the sliding losses calculated from the presented method are closer to the experimental results than the estimations from the former model. The effects of the helix angle and pressure angle on the sliding loss can also be estimated correctly by the presented method.

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