Studying and Preparing of Basic Time for Piling Works by Synthetic Equations
Construction productivity, synthetic equations, multiple regressions.Abstract
The objective of this research is to study and prepare basic time for piling works by synthetic equations. The time data of 7 work elements of piling works were collected from 10 different construction sites in Phuket Province of Thailand. The synthetic equations were derived with multiple regressions analysis method using statistic software package. These work elements consisted of pile driving work , moving piling rig left or right on supporting rails , moving supporting rails left or right , moving piling rig and supporting rails back or forth, joining of two-piece pile by welding, joining of two-piece pile by steel coupling , and pile driving with pushing post. These synthetic equations were used to determine the basic time, standard time, and productivity values for various types and sizes of square precast concrete pile. The researchers found that these productivity values were reliable compared to general practice, and could be applied in construction planning and scheduling in Phuket province or other area with similar geological conditions.

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