A Gamma-kL Transition Model for Transitional Flow with Pressure Gradient Effects
RANS, transition model, intermittency, laminar kinetic energy, pressure gradient.Abstract
A new and complete version of the gamma-kL transition model has been continually developed and proposed in the present paper. This version of the gamma-kL transition model can predict the effects of pressure gradient on the mean flow. The gamma-kL transition model is validated with the ERCOFTAC T3- and T3C-series experimental data of Coupland [1]. The validation shows that the computed results of the gamma-kL transition model are in good agreement with the experimental data. The performance of the gamma-kL transition model is assessed in comparison with those of the kL transition model of Walters and Cokljat [2], the gamma-Re_theta transition model of Langtry and Menter [3], and the gamma transition model of Ge et al. [4] in case of the transitional flow through the compressor blade passage of Zaki et al. [5]. It is found that the proposed gamma-kL transition model is the only transition model that can consistently capture the separation bubble on the compressor blade.

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