FEA-Based Optimization of Blank Holder Force and Pressure for Hydromechanical Deep Drawing of Parabolic Cup Using Greedy Search and RSM Methods
Greedy search, response surface method, hydromechanical deep drawing, finite element analysis.Abstract
The greedy search and response surface methods are presented to determine the optimal process parameters of the linear pressure and constant blank holder force profiles for hydromechanical deep drawing of a parabolic cup using the finite element analysis. The optimization goal is to obtain the process parameters that minimize part thinning without any defect of the cracks and wrinkles. Part thinning and geometry-based wrinkle constraint functions are employed to quantify the cracking and wrinkling severity. A response surface of the part minimum thickness as a function of the maximum internal pressure and blank holder force is constructed by using the data collected during the greedy search. The optimum process parameters are then determined from the obtained surface. It is found that the method is capable to determine the optimal blank holder force and linear pressure profiles for the hydromechanical deep drawing of the parabolic cup.

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