Effective Partitioning and Multiple RDF Indexing for Database Triple Store
Ontology, RDF, Partition, Indexing, SPARQL queryAbstract
The capability of semantic technology leads to adaption of semantic technology to multiple applications of various domains. Due to vast number of applications, the size of RDF triple store is increasing. Effective semantic query execution has become a challenge due to the structure of RDF triple store. Effective indexing and partitioning leads to good sematic query performance against RDF triple store. The current research work has focused on various indexing techniques and proposed a predicate centric partitioning and multiple RDF indexing method for database triple store. A detailed analysis process is been executed to measure and compare the query performance. The current method is evaluated using standard benchmark and real datasets with various indexing techniques. Later the methodology is applied to R & D project management dataset. A set of twenty seven queries has been derived by considering various user requirements that cover most of the SPARQL constructs. The method is implemented and a detailed evaluation has been successfully carried out. The query time is evaluated on R & D project management dataset. The test results indicate that the proposed method provides considerable improvement in overall query performance.
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