On Computing the Worst-case H∞ Performance of Lur'e Systems with Uncertain Time-invariant Delays
Worst-case H∞ performance, Lur'e systems, time-invariant delay, Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, linear matrix inequality (LMI)Abstract
This paper presents a worst-case H∞ performance analysis for Lur'e systems with time-invariant delays. The sucient condition to guarantee an upper bound of worst-case performance is developed based on the delay-partitioning Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional containing the integral of sector-bounded nonlinearities. Using Jensen inequality and S-procedure, the delay-dependent criterion is given in terms of linear matrix inequalities. In addition, we extend the criterion to compute the worst-case performance for Lur'e systems subject to norm-bounded uncertainties by using a matrix eliminating lemma. Numerical results show that our criterion provide the least upper bound on the worst-case H∞ performance comparing to the criteria derived based on existing techniques.

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