Review on Nanofluids Theoretical Thermal Conductivity Models
Nanofluid, Effective thermal conductivity, Theoretical model, Brownian motion, Particle volume fraction.Abstract
This review paper deals with the analytical nanofluid thermal conductivity models published by different research groups. It also summarizes the contrary opinion on anomalous thermal conductivity of nanofluids by different research groups. Basically all nanofluid thermal conductivity models have been derived from classical models. Majority of the authors presented the thermal conductivity model based on the Brownian motion of particles and they proposed the random motion of particles is the cause for enhanced thermal conductivity. Though many models formulated on thermal conductivity and nanofluid, there is no universally accepted model and reliable mechanism for enhanced thermal conductivity over the particles volume fraction. The discrepancy between each model may be due to method of dispersion, assumption of particle and base fluid such as single and two phase flow. Therefore this review leads to further investigation on the hotly debated topic of nanofluid thermal conductivity.
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