Application of Vector Control to Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Chaos Control
Vector control, chaos, lyapunov exponents, permanent magnet synchronous motor.Abstract
This paper presents the idea of vector control for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) based on chaos theorem, using chaos controller. PMSM will demonstrate chaotic phenomena when its parameters fall into a certain area. To achieve this aim, the sub-system of controller has been designed by considering block diagram structure of vector control for PMSM and by applying the setting of Lyapunov exponents method. Also, asymptotical stability of closed loop system with given controller is shown, using the direct Lyapunov method. The performance of designed controller in chaotic mode is compared with conventional vector control methods. Also, the normal mode for PMSM is considered and the performance of controller is compared. Simulation results indicate that not only does this controller eliminate the chaos in chaotic mode and have good performance but also is able to control the system in normal mode by using almost the smaller control signal effort.

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