Quality Improvement of Low-Grade Calcium Carbonate Using Induced Roll Magnetic Separator
calcium carbonate, limestone, magnetic separation, iron content, ball millAbstract
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is an essential raw material in the manufacture of goods and industrial products like cement, rubber, paper, paints, food, and medicines. For this compound to be economically valuable, however, its quality needs to meet the standard market requirements. Among the various impurities found in natural CaCO3-bearing ores, iron (Fe) is one of the most problematic. In this study, the upgrading of low-grade CaCO3 from a processing plant in Thailand by magnetic separation was investigated. Detailed characterization of the low-grade material was also carried out to identify the solid-phase partitioning of Fe. The results showed that Fe was mainly associated with magnetite and pyrrhotite in the ore, and during processing, additional Fe was introduced from the ball milling process. To improve the quality of this low-grade CaCO3, the effects of magnetic field intensity, feed rate, and repetition on the induce roll magnetic separation were investigated. Based on the results, higher magnetic field intensity, lower feed rate, and more repetition are required for the upgrading of low-grade CaCO3.

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