Prescription Based Recommender System for Diabetic Patients Using Efficient Map Reduce
recommendation, map reduce, patient-centric healthcare, DBSCAN, HRSAbstract
Healthcare sector has been deprived of leveraging knowledge gained through data insights, due to manual processes and legacy record-keeping methods. Outdated methods for maintaining healthcare records have not been proven sufficient for treating chronic diseases like diabetes. Data analysis methods such as Recommendation System (RS) can serve as a boon for treating diabetes. RS leverages predictive analysis and provides clinicians with information needed to determine the treatments to patients. Prescription-based Health Recommender System (HRS) is proposed in this paper which aids in recommending treatments by learning from the treatments prescribed to other patients diagnosed with diabetes. An Advanced Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) clustering is also proposed to cluster the data for deriving recommendations by using winnowing algorithm as a similarity measure. A parallel processing of data is applied using map-reduce to increase the efficiency & scalability of clustering process for effective treatment of diabetes. This paper provides a good picture of how the Map Reduce can benefit in increasing the efficiency and scalability of the HRS using clustering.

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