Optimization for Biodiesel Production by Transesterification with Electric Fields
biodiesel, transesterification, response surface methodology, electric fieldsAbstract
The objective of this research is to study optimization for biodiesel production from transesterification with electric fields. The catalyst in this reaction is potassium hydroxide (KOH) at 1% weight (wt). The molar ratio is 6:1. Two factors at three levels are considered using the response surface method. The first factor, the intensity of the electric field, is set at 85 volts/centimeter (V/cm), 170 V/cm, and 255 V/cm. The second factor, the retention time of the electric fields, is set at 2 minutes (min), 6 min, and 10 min. In the experiments, the best yields are produced from an electric fields intensity of 85 V/cm, with the electric field’s retention time of 2 min. The calculated and experimental results are 98.26% and 98.41%, respectively.
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