Effects of In-bed Stoichiometric and Flue Gas Recirculation on Combustion and Environmental Performances of a Swirling Fluidized-bed Combustor
combustion efficiency, NOx reduction, fluidized-bed combustionAbstract
This work studied the firing of ground nut/peanut shells in a twin-cyclonic fluidized-bed combustor at the maximum combustor loading (~22.5 kg/h) in the flue gas recirculation (FGR) mode. During the experimental tests, excess air (EA) was fixed at about 60%, while the in-bed stoichiometric ratio (Sb) and FGR ranged from 1.0–1.2 and from 10–25%, respectively. The experimental results showed that nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions significantly decreased when FGR increased; however, the opposite tendency was found for carbon monoxide (CO) emission. Meanwhile, FGR showed strong effects on both combustion and emission performances, the impacts of Sb were quite low. The FGR of ~10-18% and Sb from 1.0-1.2 appear to be optimum operating conditions for firing ground nut/peanut shells to ensure the lowering of major emissions under the limitations of Thailand’s emission standards, with high combustor efficiency at 99%.
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