X-Band Front-end Module of FMCW RADAR for Collision Avoidance Application
RADAR, FMCW, Beat Frequency, RCSAbstract
A frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar front-end module is developed as a laboratory prototype of NECTEC, NSTDA. The performance of proposed prototype is verified by the reflection test of aluminum plates in outdoor environment. The frequency domain data from a spectrum analyzer was measured at every 20 meters of the distance between the front-end prototype and the aluminum plate until the maximum distance of 200 meters is reached. The calculation of the beat frequencies at different range of reflecting aluminum plates is presented. The maximum error between measured and calculated distances does not exceed 5.02 percent. The effect of different radar cross section (RCS) of reflecting objects of 0.3, 0.8 and 1.5 m2 plate area are analyzed. The low value of different received power ratio per one squared meter unit area of 0.66 percent is obtained to prove the consistency of reflected power level over the different size of object under test.

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