Investigation on the Use Solar Thermoelectric Generator for Open Pond Cultivation with Heat Pipe Cooling
thermoelectric generator, heat pipe, cultivation pond, Seebeck effectAbstract
At present, most aquaculture ponds get a supply of dissolved oxygen from pumps or aerators that use electricity. Whereas in some places, farmers still experience infrastructure problems such as roads, ports, and electricity. Generally, the cultivation pond water level is 0.3-0.5ha, which can be rectangular or square. The large surface area of this pond has the potential to be utilized by its solar power. The thermoelectric module utilizes the Seebeck effect where if there is a heat difference between the two sides there will be an electric potential. The sun's heat can still be raised again by using a concentrator. Thermoelectric modules can produce electricity due to temperature differences on both sides. In aquaculture ponds, there is a lot of water that can be used to cool the thermoelectrics. One tool that can be used to deliver heat quickly is a heat pipe. Heat pipe is a passive device that has excellent heat transfer properties and high efficiency. In this research, heat pipes will be used as heat transfer media to cool the thermoelectric cold side. From the testing that has been done, the maximum voltage of the thermoelectric module is 3.77V obtained from a temperature difference of 67.57 °C.

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