Extended Delta-Bar-Delta Algorithm Application to Evaluate Transmission Lines Overvoltages
Artificial neural networks, delta-bar-delta, directed random search, switching overvoltages, power system restoration, transmission lines energization.Abstract
In this paper an intelligent approach is introduced to study switching overvolatges during transmission lines energization. In most countries, the main step in the process of power system restoration, following a complete/partial blackout, is energization of primary restorative transmission lines. An artificial neural network (ANN) has been used to evaluate the overvoltages due to transmission lines energization. Three learning algorithms, delta-bar-delta (DBD), extended delta-bar-delta (EDBD) and directed random search (DRS), were used to train the ANNs. Proposed ANN is trained with equivalent circuit parameters of the network as input parameters; therefore developed ANNs have proper generalization capability. The simulated results for 39-bus New England test system, show that the proposed technique can estimate the peak values and duration of switching overvoltages with acceptable accuracy and EDBD algorithm presents best performance.

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