Trajectory Tracking Control Design for Dual-Arm Robots Using Dynamic Surface Controller
backstepping, multi sliding surface control, dynamic surface control, dual arm robot, manipulatorsAbstract
This paper presents a dynamic surface controller (DSC) for dual-arm robots (DAR) tracking desired trajectories. The DSC algorithm is based on backstepping technique and multiple sliding surface control principle, but with an important addition. In the design of DSC, low-pass filters are included which prevent the complexity in computing due to the “explosion of terms”, i.e. the number of terms in the control law rapidly gets out of hand. Therefore, a controller constructed from this algorithm is simulated on a four degrees of freedom (DOF) dual-arm robot with a complex kinetic dynamic model. Moreover, the stability of the control system is proved by using Lyapunov theory. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the controller which provide precise tracking performance of the manipulator.

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