Sizing and Positioning of Cylindrical Object Based on the Millimeter-Wave Radar System
Object estimation, mmWave, k-means, Circle-fitting, Radar sensorAbstract
In this article, we propose an algorithm to estimate the size and position of an object with the millimeter wave radar system. With the proposed algorithm, the size and position of objects is represented by cylinders with a single IWR1443 radar sensor module. From the estimated cylinder, the radius and center of the cross-sectional circle shows the approximate size and position. Raw data from IWR1443 show scanning
of objects in the form of data points which cannot be directly used to determine the exact size or shape of the object. The data in one frame of the sensor provides many data points. With K-mean and selection of K, we can group the number of data points to each object and find the size and position by circle-fitting. The results of the algorithm show that the mean of a position of the object is close to the actual value, but the mean of the radius is rather smaller than the actual value.

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