Optimal Multi-Reservoir Operation for Hydropower Production in the Nam Ngum River Basin
optimization model, MINLP, IFAS, hydropower, reservoir rule curvesAbstract
This research aims to investigate optimal hydropower production of multi-reservoirs in Lao PDR and develop optimal reservoir rule curves. The Nam Ngum 1 and 2 (NN1 and NN2, respectively) reservoirs in the Nam Ngum River basin (NNRB), which is located in the middle of Laos, are selected as study areas. Mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) is developed as an optimization model to maximize the hydropower production of joint reservoir operation of NN1 and NN2. The optimal operation rule curves are established by using the storage level estimated by the optimization model. Given the limited sideflow data, an integrated flood analysis system (IFAS) and water balance equation are used to simulate the sideflow into NN1 reservoir. A good fit is observed between the monthly streamflow simulated by IFAS and that calculated by the water balance equation. Compared with the observed data, the MINLP model can increase the annual and monthly hydropower production by 20.22% (6.01% and 14.21% for NN1 and NN2, respectively). The water storage level estimated by the MINLP model is used to build the operation rule curves. Results show that the MINLP model of multi-reservoir is a useful and effective approach for multi-reservoir operations and is expected to hold high application value for similar reservoirs in NNRB.

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