Performance Comparison of Two-phase LP-based Heuristic Methods for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Three Objectives
Capacitated vehicle routing problem, fuel and overtime costs, relationship between customers and drivers, balanced weights of vehicles, clustering-first route-second heuristic, linear programmingAbstract
This paper develops a two-phase LP-based heuristic for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). It considers three objectives: (1) minimizing the total costs of fuel consumption and overtime, (2) maximizing the total personal relationships between customers and drivers, and (3) balancing the delivery weights of vehicles. The two-phase LP-based heuristic (cluster-first route-second) is proposed. First, in the clustering stage, three LP-based clustering models (denoted by C1, C2, and C3) are developed. Customers are grouped into clusters based on real distances between the customers for C1, personal relationships between the customers and drivers for C2, and the delivery weights of vehicles for C3. Second, in the routing stage, an LP-based traveling salesman problem model is used to form a route for each cluster, to minimize the total costs of fuel consumption and overtime labor. The experimental results from a case study of Thai SMEs show that when the C2 clustering model is applied, the performances are the best. Significant contributions of this paper include: (1) it is an original paper that proposes the C2 clustering model, and it has the best performances based on the experimental results, and (2) the proposed two-phase LP-based heuristic methods are suitable for practical use by SMEs since the required computational time is short, and it has multiple models with different objectives that can be selected to match a user's requirements.

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