Blockchain Technology, Technical Challenges and Countermeasures for Illegal Data Insertion
cryptocurrency, technical challenges, security, countermeasuresAbstract
Blockchain is a decentralized transaction and data management technology. It was developed for the world’s first cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin in 2008. The reason behind its popularity was its properties which provide pseudonymity, security, and data integrity without third-party intervention. Initially, most of the researches were focused on the Bitcoin system and its limitation, but later other applications of Blockchain e.g. smart contracts and licensing [1] also got famous. Blockchain technology has the potential to change the way how transactions are conducted in daily life. It is not limited to cryptocurrencies but could be possibly applied in various environments where any forms of transactions are done. This article presents a comprehensive overview of Blockchain technology, its development, applications, security issues, and their countermeasures. In particular, the security towards illegal data insertion and the countermeasures is focused. Our analysis of countermeasures of illegal data insertion can be combined for increased efficiency. After the introduction of the Blockchain and consensus algorithm, some famous Blockchain applications and expected future of Blockchain are deliberated. Then, the technical challenges of Blockchain are discussed, in which the main focus here is on the security and the data insertion in Blockchain. The review of the possible countermeasures to overcome the security issues related to data insertion are elaborated.

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