Bark Extract of <i>Lantana camara</i> in 1M HCl as Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel
Lantana camara, an invasive species that adversely affects habitant, bioregions and environment has been studied as corrosion inhibitor. Methanolic extract of barks of Lantana camara in 1 M hydrochloric acid was tested as corrosion inhibitor on mild steel using potentiodynamic polarization technique. The corrosion inhibition efficiency of extract varied with concentration of extract and immersion of time. The inhibition was found to increase with increase in concentration of the extract. The polarization behavior of mild steel revealed that maximum inhibition efficiency is 97.33 % and 89.93 % respectively in the 1000 and 200 ppm concentration of the inhibitor respectively. The results showed that the extract of the barks of Lantana camara served as a mixed type inhibitor.

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