Simultaneous Parameter Tuning of PSS and Wide-Area POD in PV Plant using FPA
FPA, oscillatory stability, PSS, PV plant, wide-area PODAbstract
In future power grid scenario, large-scale renewable energy based on power plant will be one of the main generations. Among renewable based power plant type, large-scale photovoltaic (PV) plant becoming more popular as they could provide zero emission and sustainable energy. However, even though PV plant could contribute positive impact to the environment, they could also contribute negatively to the power system. Large-scale PV generation came with different dynamic and zero inertia characteristic due to the application of the power electronic devices. Furthermore, PV plant has also drawback in terms of intermittent power output due to the uncertainty of the sources. Those handicaps could deteriorate the stability performance of power system especially oscillatory stability. Adding power system stabilizer (PSS) to the systems is one of the approaches for handling the oscillatory stability. However, with integration of PV plant in the systems, PSS alone is not enough to handle the oscillatory problems coming from various sources such us from PV plant dynamic. Hence, utilizing wide-area power oscillation damping (POD) as PV plant supplementary controller is inevitable. Hence, this paper proposes simultaneous parameter tuning between PSS and wide-area POD in PV plant using flower pollination algorithm (FPA) as the optimization method. The two-area power system is employed to evaluate the performance of PSS and POD using FPA. From the results, it is found that the proposed method could enhance the oscillatory stability of the systems

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