Hazardous Waste Management in the Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
The aim is to develop landscape garden around the special room, reduce hazardous waste from instruction and research laboratory and manage hazardous waste contaminate of laboratory involves disposal of hazardous waste as required by the policy of Chulalongkorn University, The Center of Excellence on Hazardous Substance Management. In collection process was reduce hazardous waste. In February was the month with the elimination of which has been carried out by containing Mercury Wastewater (IV) in the amount of 180 Liters and solid waste containing Mercury (IV) contaminates at 37.50 kilograms and the removal hazardous waste of 2,718.75 baht. Other types of waste include, Petroleum Product (IX) volume of 25 Liters, wastewater containing Chromate(V) contaminants of 30 Liters, wastewater containing Special Waste (I) of 30 Liters, hazardous wastewater containing Heavy Metal (VI) contaminants of 17.50 Liters and Miscellaneous Aqueous Wastewater (XIV) or hazardous waste with water or solvent dissolve a volume of 15 Liters. In February 2559, the cost of sending hazardous waste was the highest 4,687.50 baht with the volume of 282.50 Liters. The Laboratory of The Department of Environmental Engineering, the cost of sending hazardous waste 6,062.50 baht. Chulalongkorn University operates the storage of hazardous waste by driven plan development, management of chemical and hazardous waste project of The Center of Excellence on Chemical and Hazardous Waste Management is responsible. Finally, hazardous waste management of environmental engineering department under Chulalongkorn University policy by the center of Excellence on Hazardous Substance Management helped save 5,758.08 baht or 94.98% per year.

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