Time-Resolved XANES Studies on Used Silica Supported Cobalt Catalysts
Time-resolved X-ray absorption near edge structure (TR-XANES), Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, cobalt catalyst.Abstract
In order to investigate the phases of used Co/SiO2 catalysts, one of the most commonly used catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, time-resolved X-ray absorption near edge structure (TR-XANES) technique was introduced. The catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation method with %Co loading of 15% and 20% and used for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis at the reaction temperature of 190oC and the pressure of 10 and 20 bar, called 15%Co/Aerosil_wi_used_10_bar, 15%Co/Aerosil_wi_used_20_bar, and 20%Co/Aerosil_wi_used_20_bar. TR-XANES showed the edge energy of 7721 eV for all used catalysts and by looking at the feature of their spectra, the results implied that the major phase was CoO. To further investigate their ability of being oxidized at elevated temperatures, the catalysts were oxidized by heating from ambient to 450oC with the heating rate of 8oC/min at the pressure of 1 bar with the O2:N2 flow rate of 70:30 ml/min. Once reaching 450oC, the temperature was held at 450oC for 90 min before cooling down to room temperature. During heating, holding, and cooling, the catalyst properties were measured by TR-XANES. When all catalysts heating up from 300 to 400oC, the edge energy of 15%Co/Aerosil_wi_used_10_bar, 15%Co/Aerosil_wi_used_20_bar, and 20%Co/Aerosil_wi_used_20_bar at 7719, 7717, and 7718 eV, respectively, showed the mixed phases of Co3O4 and CoO. There were no significant changes in phase while holding the temperature at 450oC. Once cooling from 450oC to room temperature, the edge energy of 15%Co/Aerosil_wi_used_10_bar at 7724 eV showed the main Co3O4 phase, the ones of 15%Co/Aerosil_wi_used_20_bar and 20%Co/Aerosil_wi_used_20_bar at 7717 and 7718 eV showed the mixed phase of Co3O4 and CoO. All results would be confirmed by further studies on temperature programmed oxidation (TPO).

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