Effects of Pulverized Burnt Clay Waste Fineness on the Compressive Strength and Durability Properties of Blended Cement Concrete
The search for an alternative binder to cement, partially or wholly, continues to be on the increase. In this study, the fineness of pulverized burnt clay waste was evaluated as a factor that affects the compressive strength, chloride penetration and strength deterioration in sulphuric acid of its blended cement concrete. Pulverized burnt clay waste obtained from a source was divided into two different fineness portions using 75 and 150 µm sieves and classified as fine and coarse portions, respectively. Portland cement was replaced at 10 and 20% by weight with fine and coarse portions, separately. Additional mix containing 105% binder content consisting 5% excess fine and coarse portions at 10 and 20% cement replacement was also included. Chloride penetration was measured using the full immersion technique in 3% sodium chloride solution. The results revealed that increasing the fineness of pulverized burnt clay waste increases the compressive strength, reduced the chloride penetration and improves the acidic resistance of the blended cement concrete. These enhanced properties are due to the improved interfacial zone in the concrete resulting from increased specific surface area of the fine portion. Further improvement of the blended cement concrete properties can also be achieved with the use of 105% binder content containing 5% excess pozzolan beyond the conventional cement replacement level as observed in this study.

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