Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Adding LECA and Pumice on Some Physical Properties of Porous Concrete
Some Physical Properties of Porous Concrete
Porous concrete has high porosity and can be used for increasing the permeability of pavements and parking lots and reducing the urban runoff damages. In this research, light expanded clay aggregate (LECA) and pumice were substituted for 5, 10 and 15% of course aggregates in porous concrete cubes and their effects on the compressive strength (σ), hydraulic conductivity (K) and porosity (n) were investigated. Moreover, effect of adding 10% and 20% of fine grains (as filler) is studied, too. Results showed that fine grains increased σ and decreased K and n. But, samples without any fine grains didn’t have regular trend. The use of additives up to a certain amount reduced the σ, and then, because of filling the pores, increased the σ. The applied additives had almost the same performance in terms of σ; but in terms of permeability and porosity, the samples containing pumice had a better performance.
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