An Extreme Vertices Mixture Design Approach to Optimization of Tyrosinase Inhibition Effects
The objective of this study is to optimize the tyrosinase inhibition effects of three mixtures included Emblica extract, L-Ascorbic acid, and Kojic acid. Tyrosinase is a copper-containing oxidase, which has activity for both catechol and cresol. It is responsible for browning reactions. Mushroom tyrosinase was used in this study as the tyrosinase source and L-DOPA was used to activate the browning activity. The seventeen formulations were conducted by extreme vertices mixture design. To specify the lower and upper limit, prior study for each ingredient was experimented. Ten and thirty-three percentage of inhibition were proposed to specify the lower and upper limit of each ingredient. The result of experiment shown the difference tyrosinase inhibition effects of seventeen formulations. The analysis of variance for result was significant for all pairs and all of components with 92.89 percentage of R-square adjusted. To optimize the best combination, used of response optimization by setting up the target to 80, 85, 90, and 95 percentage of tyrosinase inhibition effect. The optimum combination with 90% inhibition target is 3.1541 mg/ml of Emblica extract, 0.1420 mg/ml of L-Ascorbic acid, and 0.0297 mg/ml of Kojic acid, this formula unlike the formula that was experimented on.
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