Experimental Study of Particles Induced by Screw Tightening Process for Hard Disc Drive Assembly: Effects of ‘Bit’ Speed
The morphology of particles generated during screw tightening process in hard disc drive assembly was studied using a media installing tool kit under a class 100 clean room condition. The screws were made of martensitic 410 stainless steel and the ‘bit’ was made of S2 tool steel. The ‘bit’ speeds used during the screw tightening process can be divided into two steps: the beginning and the final speeds. The effect of both speeds on the morphology of particles generated was investigated. The studied parameters were the aspect ratio and the appearance cross-sectional area of particles. Particles with different sizes were found suggesting that there were different wear mechanisms. Small particles were caused by adhesive wear, while the larger particles were generated by fatigue wear. The appearance cross-sectional area of particles was found to decrease with increase in both speeds within the speed of 250 r/min, after which the appearance crosssectional area appeared to be constant. The effect of cold-weld at asperities was obvious resulting in an increase in aspect ratio at a higher speed. The understanding of the effect of bit speed on the particles morphology during the screw tightening processes could be very useful in the design of the cleaning system in hard disc drive production.
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