Computerized Optimum Dimensioning of Prestressed Homogenous Steel I-Beam
The economy of a prestressed steel beam can be realized only when relevant parameters of optimum magnitude are chosen. The present work aims at finding out the optimum dimensions of a simply supported, laterally unsupported, prestressed steel I-beam for a given span and load carrying capacity. The span of the beam was limited to 12 m while the load carrying capacity was limited to 100 kN/m for this study. A straight tendon configuration over the whole span is considered and the losses occurring in the tendon are neglected. The safety of various sets of dimensions ranging from the minimum dimensions of I-section in IS-Hand Book-1 to their maximum dimensions for different pre-stressing forces and eccentricities are checked. The set with minimum cross sectional area is chosen. Iterative calculations involved in analysis were performed with the help of a ‘C’ program developed by the authors in Turbo ‘C’ Environment. It was observed that the ratio of top fiber stress at working loads to the permissible stress is more than 0.9 for all the spans for the finalized cross-sections. This means that the cross-section is being effectively utilized. For a given load carrying capacity and span, eccentricity to depth ratio has to be in between 0.45 to 0.7 for optimum utilization of the available cross section. It is also observed that the maximum pre-stressing force equal to 0.25 times the permissible bending compressive stress can be applied.

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