Performance Evaluation of PID Controller for an Automobile Cruise Control System using Ant Lion Optimizer
PID controller, ant lion optimizer, cruise control system, time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis and robustness analysisAbstract
This paper considers the design and performance evaluation of PID controller for an automobile cruise control system (ACCS). A linearized model of the cruise control system has been studied as per the dominant characteristics in closed loop system. The design problem is recast into an optimization problem which is solved using Ant Lion Optimization (ALO). The transient performance of proposed ACCS i.e., settling time, rise time, maximum overshot, peak time and steady state error are investigated by step input response and root locus analysis. To show the efficacy of the proposed algorithm over a state space method, classical PID, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, a comparison study is presented by using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Furthermore, the robustness of the system is evaluated by using bode analysis, sensitivity, complimentary sensitivity and controller sensitivity. The results indicate that the designed ALO based PID controller for ACCS achieves better performance than other recent methods reported in the literature.

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