Characteristics of Material and Fabrication for Concrete Structures in Indonesia
Statistical characteristics, reinforced concrete, material strength, fabrication.Abstract
As part of resistance of a structure, statistical characteristics of material and member fabrication play important aspect on the reliability analysis of all the limit states. This paper shows the statistical characteristics of material including concrete compressive strength, yield stress and diameter of reinforcing bars, which represent the condition of material production in Indonesia. The precision of fabrication of member displaying the level of workmanship, equipment appropriateness and quality control system is also presented. Data was collected from five construction sites include apartments, office, hospital and public facility located in Jakarta and Yogyakarta. The statistical parameters of concrete compressive strength and fabrication of members are partially compared with the similar information from Japan and USA. The statistical characteristics for material and fabrication from Indonesia show narrow deviations in comparison with those from Japan and USA for the case of normal concrete and conventional method of construction.

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