Influence of Soft Magnetic Materials Application to Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Design and Performance
Soft magnetic materials, electrical machine design, squirrel-cage induction motor, motor performance.Abstract
Most of the electrical machines design studies found in literature lie on the concept that the design under investigation (and optimization) focuses mainly on the geometrical aspects of the machine and thus takes into account only a certain ferromagnetic material (i.e. iron) for its parts. These studies, give little or no information about the influence of material alternatives on the same (and optimized) design. From a manufacturer's point of view though, this information is crucial especially nowadays that there are a lot of commercially available materials in the market. In this context, this paper presents the results of a research project in the design stage of an energy efficient three phase squirrel cage induction motor (SCIM), by investigating the effects of several soft magnetic materials (adopted for its stator and/or its rotor parts) on multiple quantities of primary concern such as: efficiency, power factor, output torque, losses, weight and cost. After a brief proposed design procedure, a total of twenty-two different materials from recent manufacturers' data were examined. Also, the main electromagnetic analysis was performed through commercial analysis software. Simple ranking methods are also proposed here and the results obtained are then thoroughly discussed and commented.

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