Leaching and Adsorption of Gold from Waste Printed Circuit Boards Using Iodine-Iodide Solution and Activated Carbon
Gold, iodine-iodide, activated carbon, high pressure oxidative leaching.Abstract
Iodine-iodide leaching and activated carbon adsorption processes for recovery of gold (Au) from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) were discussed in this paper. A pressure oxidative acid leaching (POAC) was carried out in an autoclave using diluted sulfuric acid (1M H2SO4) solution in order to remove high concentrations of some base metals especially copper (Cu), aluminum (Al), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) due to their negative effect on gold dissolution from WPCBs. The factors affecting the performance and efficiency of the iodine-iodide leaching process; such as iodine/iodide concentration, pulp density, leaching time and leaching temperature were optimized in order to maximize the gold dissolution efficiency from the WPCBs in the iodine-iodide solution. Results indicated that the vast majority (> 99%) of gold was dissolved in the solution from the WPCBs under the optimized leaching conditions. Adsorption tests were conducted on leach liquor solutions resulting from the iodine-iodide leaching using activated carbon. Nearly 98% of gold was adsorbed from the liquor solution onto the carbon under the condition optimized in this study. The results obtained revealed that gold can be successfully recovered from this secondary resources, where the percent recovery amounts to nearly 97% for gold.

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